Earth Exercise
1. Begin in Mountain pose, bringing hands into prayer position.
2. Visualize breathing in the energy around you and breathing out love. The idea is not just to discard tension and anxiety but also to build reciprocal energy between you and your surroundings.
Earth Exercise

Yoga side reach towards sky
3. Reach your arms as high as you can, with heels planted and feet flat. Next, try reaching higher on the right side, then the left, three times on each side.
4. Round down into a forward fold. Hold this pose for five breaths with soft knees, hands flat on the ground.
5. Bend your legs a little, lowering your pelvis. Exhale as the knees bend; inhale and straighten. Do this three times
6. Roll up slowly.
Earth Exercise

Yoga hands towards the sky
7. Stretch arms wide, then clasp your hands behind your back. Separate your feet to shoulder-width.
With a gentle backward bend, look up at the sky, drawing in solar, lunar, and stellar energy. Hold this pose for several breaths, then slowly return to Mountain pose.
Freedom, Breath: Wind Exercise

Freedom Breath Wind Exercise
Choose a spot on higher ground or in a clearing. Become aware of the air around you, its subtle movement over your skin. Feel the air with all of your senses — smell it, taste it, touch it, and hear it. Imagine you are the wind and can move effortlessly.
Wind Exercise
1. Stand in Mountain pose with a slightly widened stance and feet firmly on the ground.
2. Begin a spinal rotation, starting at the waist and gently turning the upper body, face, shoulders, arms, and hands from side to side. Rotate the spine like a washing machine, allowing the muscles to release and the arms to flop loosely, patting the body with each turn. Let the movement flow back and forth.
3. Breathe in for one complete rotation, then out for a rotation; keep this rhythm going for at least 20 rotations.
4. Return to center. Bring your heels together with toes slightly apart, and let your arms relax at your sides.
Strength, Power: Fire Exercise

Strength Power Fire Exercise
Feel the sun’s warmth on your body. Bathe in cool moonlight and starlight, which are reflected from the sun. Watch for fireflies after sundown. Practice by candlelight.
Fire Exercise

Yoga Fire Exercise
1. From Mountain pose move into Chair pose by first raising your arms so they are perpendicular to the floor and in line with the back and neck. Bend your knees and lower your tailbone as if you are sitting, lowering until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground. Keep your knees aligned with your ankles, and hold for five breaths.
2. Straighten legs and dive into a forward fold as you exhale, then step back into Downward-Facing Dog, hands and feet on the ground, hips raised, heels pressing toward the ground, arms firm, fingers spread, and palms flat. Hold for a few breaths to build heat in the body.
Fire Exercise

Yoga one leg Fire Exercise
3. Exhale as you pull your left knee in toward your forehead and hold, engaging your core. Return left leg to Downward Dog and repeat with the right leg. Jump or step your feet into forward fold; slowly roll up.
Water Exercise

Yoga Water Exercise
Practice near a body of water — the ocean, a lake, or a swimming pool. Find a waterfall or fountain. Try practicing in the morning or evening to feel and see the dew on the grass and leaves. Practice meditation. This exercise is inspired by tai chi and includes both fluid movement and balance while standing in place.
Water Exercise
1. Stand with heels together, toes apart.
2. Keeping your knees soft, rock back and forth to find perfect center balance.
3. With hands together in prayer position, reach up over your head through the air. Open your arms as if you’re doing a breaststroke, and push the air away as if it were water. Sweep your arms out and down, returning them to your sides. Inhale as you swim “out,” rise up on your toes, and exhale as you gently bring your hands back and lower onto your feet.
4. Repeat the motions at least 10 times, gradually working up to 20.