
4 Exercises You Can Do To Work On Your Abs

Want to work on your abs? Well, building your abs might seem difficult at the start but as the process goes on you begin to get ecstatic about it as changes occur in your body. It’s time to push your abs to the extreme-and fight the flab-with new and excited exercises. The best part is that you ‘ll not only get a six-pack but also maintain strong abs.

You should also note that it will take dedication, time and patience to get your abs. All need to do is build muscles and lose fat, and you get this by exercising consistently and proper dieting. You can have the most toned and muscular abs, but it will not show if there is a layer of fat over them. This article is here to help-showing six exercises you can do to work on your abs.


Pull-ups will give you amazing muscles around your stomach region. Working with the pull-ups you hang from a chin-up bar with an underhand grip, bending your knees to a 90-degree angle and pull yourself while doing the crunch.

You can also add complex core-movement to your workout. That will boost your overall body tremendously. For example, combine push-ups with rows. Go into a push-up position on two dumbbells. Now don’t do a push-up, but instead start to row alternating dumbbells. See how much power you need only to hold balance? Combine exercises! Be creative. Tension is your friend.


This type of exercise will leave your muscle, especially your midsection sliced, in a good way of course.
Lie on your side with your right leg on top of your left. Put your right hand behind your head, elbow flared out, and the other on the floor in front of you for balance. Contract your obliques to bring your right leg and elbow together, then slowly lower. Perform all your reps on one side before swapping.


A push-up is a total-body functional movement that is great for increasing strength and has the added benefit of engaging the core and lower body.
There are various types of push-ups you can do like the standard push-ups or the side push-ups or even the diamond push-ups, whichever you feel comfortable with.

The Basics. Get into a high plank position. Place your hands firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Lower your body. Begin to lower your body—keeping your back flat and eyes focused about three feet in front of you toZ—until your chest grazes the floor. Push back up.


To build really great abs, it’s helpful to understand what abs do. Their full name is “rectus abdominis.” The “rectus” bit is Latin for “straight, proper, upright.” Contrary to popular opinion, the abdominals’ primary job is not to curl you up into a ball, but rather to work together with the back muscles to maintain correct posture and stabilization. Some of the best exercises for abs are ones that force your entire core to go into overdrive to support your spine. Some exercises that do this are squats and deadlifts.


Most, if not all of these exercises are not recommended for people with lower back problems. There are many other ways to properly develop abs without putting so much strain on your back. If in doubt or experiencing lower back pain, talk to a physical therapist for proper ways of performing the routines.

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