personal trainer

Do’s and Dont’s of Proper Weight Training Technique

Do you often wonder why your weight training never improves? Many people tend to go about weight training the wrong way. Its always advisable to lift properly and for that we have written down some do’s and don’ts you can adhere to while weight training.

1. When lifting weight, you should lift an appropriate amount, an amount you know you can lift comfortably 12-15 times

2. Learn to use proper form, do each of the exercise accurately. Move through the full range of motion in your joints when lifting weight. Remember, the better your form, the better the result and the less likely you are to get yourself hurt. In situations where you are unable to maintain form, decrease the weight or the number of repetitions.

3. Never hold your breath while lifting weight; you might be tempted to, but never do it. Instead, breathe out as you lift and breathe in as you lower the weight.

4. Maintain balance; work all your muscles, hips, legs, abdomen, shoulder, arm and all the necessary places. Make sure the opposing muscle like the front and back of your arms are balanced.

5. Strength training exercise are very important, incorporate them into your fitness routine at least two times a week.

6. Finally, rest. Avoid exercising same muscles two days in a row, you can split your muscle sessions into different days, example, on Monday you work your legs, Tuesday arms and shoulders, and so on and fort. Again, never forget to sleep, sleep is important, your muscles go to work while you’re resting so always have at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

1. Never try to ignore pain; if an exercise causes pain, stop doing it and try the exercise again in few days.

2. Don’t move the weight in a hurried and uncontrolled fashion; take it slow, one step at a time, there’s no need of you rushing. When you take it slow and steady, it helps isolate the muscles you’re about to work and keeps you from relying on energy to lift weight. Rest for one minute between exercises, and then continue.

3. Do not overdo for whatever reason. For some, they do a particular set to the point of exhaustion, which is really wrong. When you add additional sets, it will end up taking extra time and leading to unplanned injuries.

4. You may slip while training, so do not forget your shoes. Shoes can go a long way in protecting your feet and providing good traction which prevents you from slipping or injuring your feet while lifting.

Finally, always ask your personal trainer whenever you feel you’re not doing an exercise correctly, and remember that the more you concentrate on a proper weight training technique, the more you’ll get out of the program. The more, the better
We hope these do’s and don’ts will help you as you embark on this journey.

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