Running is a universal sport activity. I bet you see people running every day and I’m pretty sure most of them are not running from the cops, hopefully!
Why run? Running offers many physical and mental health benefits and undoubtedly, financial as well (it’s free).
If you already run, you would admit that running has benefited you a lot. This article reveals 8 amazing benefits of funning.
#1. Holistic health: Running is not just good for your health for many of the reasons we will discover in this article. Running also offers you mental health.
Research has shown that 8 out of 10 people who run on a regular basis are happier than the average individual who doesn’t run at all.
#2. Prevents high blood pressure: When you run, your arteries expand and contract. This helps your arteries fit, and healthy arteries means your blood pressure will be kept at a normal range.
This is why high blood-pressured individuals are always encouraged to run on a regular basis
#3. Strengthen immune system: Running helps build resistance to germs. A research carried out by L. Spence showed that athletes who developed illnesses such as colds and ran through the illness recovered faster than individuals that didn’t.
However, running over very long distances can have the opposite effect and cause you even more sickness.
#4. Strong legs: A strong lower body gives you more balance and strength, of course. Running contracts and expands your leg muscles causing them to build up. If you’ve looked at any perpetual runner or sprinter, you would have surely noticed this.
#5. Increased bone density. Running creates strain on your bones. When this happens, essential minerals are sent to the same and makes them stronger.
It is noteworthy that an increased bone density means less fat on the body.
#6. Increased joint strength: Just like cycling, running gives you this benefit as well. It increases the strength of your ligaments and tendons, essentially you muscles but these are the muscle joints. This will help you do more miles of running.
However, it is not advisable to over-run as this would leave you more prone to injury.
#7. Relieves stress: How? When you run, the brain increases in serotonin levels, a substance that helps you relax. So literally, you can run away from stress.
#8. Confidence booster: Anyone can get insecure about the shape of their body. Running gives you the mentality that you can achieve anything and this ultimately gives you better confidence.
Research has shown that this confidence transports past just physical ability, but even to mental, and emotional stability.