
5 Reasons To Listen To Music For Weight Loss

Lots of people listen to music while they exercise and it is no secret that for many people, music has a therapeutic effect. However, research has proven that music could have much more benefits for people trying to lose weight. Sounds a bit too good to be true? Well, read on to find out how it works:


1. Improves running performance

It is hardly a secret that music somehow aids running, as a remarkable number of habitual runners rely on music to aid their running. Researchers who looked into the relationship between running and listening to music found out that a remarkable 80% of runners ran consistently faster when they listened to faster music.

This is particularly interesting information for runners looking to take their training to the next level by increasing their pace. Other runners who aren’t looking to speed things up could also benefit from listening to music as it helps to soothe the mind and provide a distraction from the burn in your legs and lungs.


2. Improves mood

People are much more likely to go for a run (or perform any other kind of exercise) and actually enjoy it, when they are in a good mood, than when they are in a bad mood. Listening to music offers further benefits in this regard as for most people, music has a clear effect at improving their mood.

3. Alleviates pain

Exercise is usually going to come with some degree of pain as your muscles sustain tiny tears due to the effort exerted by your body. Because of this, the body secretes higher amounts of its own naturally produced pain killers called endorphins. In particular, the body secrets dopamine to help soothe the pain and help you feel more upbeat.

Listening to music also has a similar effect, researchers have found, as classical or softer music, or simply a person own favorite song, has shown great effect at alleviating pain.

4. Helps curb appetite

One key to weight loss is reducing the amount of calories you take in from food, and one of the ways to achieve that is obviously by eating less at meal times. But how could music possibly help curb appetite? As improbable as it sounds, research has shown that people who eat, while classical or soft, meditative music plays in the background, tend to eat significantly less and also enjoy their meals much more.

5. Helps one sleep well

Another key to weight loss is simply sleeping well, and for the recommended number of hours (7-9), daily. People who sleep for significantly less or significantly more, than 7-9 hours a day, are at a much greater risk of developing obesity. You can use music to help you sleep better but avoid sleeping with headphones on as this will actually reduce the quality of your sleep.


You probably didn’t know that music could have all the weight loss and health benefits we’ve listed here, but it can, and if you use these tips, you are sure to improve your running and weight loss experience.

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