Summer is the hottest of the four temperate seasons, falling between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice.
The date of the beginning of summer varies according to climate, tradition, and culture, but when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa.
Normally summers last for around 3 months, starting from April to June and are literally testing times for one. With the increasing global temperatures and unbearable heat, one needs to take extremely good care of oneself during this time especially when it comes to the food we eat. Some of these foods are very healthy during the other seasons but due to the nature of the summer weather or climate it automatically becomes unhealthy to the body and below are foods that one should avoid eating them during summer:
Fats that are unimaginably bad for us. They fill your blood with cholesterol and make you feel hungry very soon. You end up eating a lot more than you would usually eat. While we all love the taste of flour based snacks like donuts, there’s no denying the fact that they aren’t too good for our health. Go for more baked than fried, or whole-wheat than white ones. Don’t let this inflame your body.
Nonvegetarian food contains heat and takes longer to digest which makes you feel unhealthy during summers. This can make a person sweat more and cause digestive problems. Avoid gravy-laden, thick creamed and oil-based chicken, meat and fish dishes. Go vegetarian and healthy.
Nuts are essentially for winters. Nuts take longer to digest and generate heat in the body. Avoid nuts and instead opt for fresh fruits and cream.
One eye-opening study found that kids gain weight three times faster over summer than they do the rest of the school year, thanks to a steady diet of junk food and video games. And while there’s no comparable stat on grown-ups and weight gain, barbecues, state fairs, and waterside food vendors are not good for the body during summer.
It is important to keep your body cool. Avoid hot beverages like Tea and Coffee as they increase the heat in the body wherein in summers. They can cause dehydration making your face appear flushed.
It dehydrated more than caffeine and needs to be struck off your summer food list immediately. Cooling cocktails are enjoyable and contain minimal alcohol and good for the summer climate. i
Ice cream is absolutely loved and people of all ages have a strong affinity towards ice creams, but these treats are around a whopping 500 calories on an average each. Go low on sugar and make your own healthy ice-creams at home with yogurt and bananas as a base
Whatever you do to make this healthy, the saturated fats in them will always remain. When at the restaurant, you really should overcome the desire to eat beef or pork meat. Opt for chicken and turkey instead. Even at home, choose healthy options and try to avoid too many sauces.
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