For many, it’s hard enough to achieve The New Year resolution of getting fit before the next year. It’s a short road to December, and “Winter is coming”.
The season that is filled with so many distractions, making it harder to get or stay fit. A big distraction during this month is all the enticing junk on sales in Supermarkets. However, if you really want fitness, you have to overcome the temptation to snack on these and consider a more healthy food selection.
This article shows you 7 foods you should eat during winter for weight loss.
#1. Guava:
If you haven’t eaten this yet, but have eaten say, a pear, you’ve got a near match. Guava is a tropical fruit and very tasty, but this is not the only reason you’re advised to eat it.
Guava contains five times more Vitamin C than an orange, and oranges are very rich in Vitamin C. This is not all this fruit has to offer, it also contains potassium, calcium, and iron. These are minerals you don’t want to be dearth in your diet.
Why eat it during winter? With all the minerals it offers, you wouldn’t be worried about your calorie intake. Research has shown that the average-size guava contains only 60 calories.
#2.Dark Chocolate:
It’s almost traditional to eat chocolates and sweets during Christmas, which happens to fall during winter.
Well, you can go with the tradition and eat dark chocolates! These are rich in antioxidants, iron, magnesium, copper, and every mineral your body needs, and the greater part about it is that they are low in calories.
#3. Greek Yogurt:
Yogurt on its own is extremely rich in nutrients like calcium, magnesium, protein, etc.
The Greek version of this comes out with more power, going beyond the regular amounts of calcium and protein in regular yogurt. It also helps you stay satisfied for longer periods of time.
#4. Oysters:
If you’re thinking of making a sandwich during winter, and all that comes to your mind is cheese and a fatty piece of ham, you ought to consider using oysters.
They are a great source of protein. Research says more than 65% of its content is strictly protein.
Moreover, one oyster on average contains only 8 calories with an amazing variety of minerals like iron, calcium, fluoride, zinc, and others. That’s almost every mineral you would want to have from such a small piece of meat.
#5. Maple Syrup:
This may not be the ideal snack, but it is the ideal replacement to artificial sweeteners and even sugar, yes. A tablespoon of maple syrup provides you with 50 calories and contains more minerals and vitamins than sugar.
#6. Oatmeal:

The universal breakfast meal that’s more than just that. Oatmeal is significantly low in cholesterol. Research has shown that eating oats is linked to a 7% drop in LDL Cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).
This great meal is also rich in fibre which aids in digestion and helps limit risks of constipation and helps control blood sugars.
#7. Potatoes:
These are usually associated with high starch foods like white bread and rice. But unlike these other starch foods, potatoes contain more than one beneficial nutrient.
These include Vitamin C and B6, which bolster your immune system and help you fight against diseases. They also have good amount of fibre, research shows 4 grams of fibre to be in one average-sized potato and this fibre aids in digestion.
It’s easy to eat the wrong foods during winter and this is a period that makes most people lazy. You may not be able to burn all the calories you get from junk food you may eat during winter. Eat healthy, and remember you want to look good the next year.
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