Uncategorised Weight Loss

5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Weight-loss

When i started my weight-loss program a few months ago, i was bombarded with lots of misconceptions, myths, information, misinformation and facts. Of course then i couldn’t differentiate what was what and that made my weight-loss even more difficult. Here’s what i wished someone would’ve told me a few months ago…

You need to seek support/help

Losing weight is not an easy task. It requires a lot of motivation, dedication, determination and inspiration. I had been misguided into thinking i could do it all by myself, that all i needed was myself. Boy was i wrong! A month into it and i started slacking off. I lost my motivation when things started to get tough and started doubting myself. Don’t make the same mistake i made, seek help. You should reach out to your family, friends, loved ones and whoever’s willing to give you their support and encouragement and the occassional talking-to, when necessary. And for inspiration, you can read other people’s success stories, you’ll be surprised by what people out there have accomplished. You can do it too but you’ll need all the motivation you can get.

There’s no shortcut in weight-loss

weight loss

I had read tons of articles on the web on how to easily lose weight within a month or less and other really exaggerated topics like that and i believed it. But I’ll tell you now though, that’s bollocks. Weight-loss is a process that takes time and effort to accomplish. You can’t lose 20 pounds within a week and still be healthy. And even if you do, you’ll most likely gain it all back as quickly as you lost it. Do it the healthy way and enjoy the long-term effects.

Eat Less But More Frequently


Try eating lighter meals more often. This would help minimize your calorie intake because you won’t feel hungry. Hunger is actually unfavorable for someone in a weight-loss program, like yourself because you tend to eat more than necessary. So eat less/lighter, more frequently. This way you won’t be hungry and you won’t over eat either.

Set Goals

set goals

This is the foundation of it all. It would give you a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve. Set a long-term (for where you want to end up in the long run, eg your clothing size) and short-term goal (for the short-term achievements you want to make e.g lose 5 pounds in a week). This would be your primary motivator/reminder, the fuel you’ll need to get up the next day and get yourself to the gym.
Remember, however, to keep it realistic. This way you’ll achieve your goal and won’t be setting yourself up for disappointment. It would also help if you made it specific (know exactly what size you want to be etc) and meaningful to you (so you’ll always have that extra drive). Don’t push yourself too hard though, its okay to make a few adjustments here and there as time goes on. And lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself if you fall short of your goals at first, it happens. Just keep working hard and you’ll definitely succeed, eventually.

Drinking Lots of Water does not help Weight-loss

Little or no water
It’s true that water does have endless health benefits like slightly increasing your metabolic rate and keeping you hydrated enough to avoid over-eating. But you’ll have to agree with me that this myth that plain old H2O has this magical ability to burn fat is ludicrous. To be honest i actually believed this; I used to drink so much water every day in my quest to lose weight ‘as fast as possible’, so much that you could say i was water-intoxicated and would have splitting headaches, get nauseated and throw up everywhere! It wasn’t pretty.

So take my advice: drink just as much water as you need to, or better yet, consult your doctor.

Before embarking on any weight-loss journey, i would advise you to do as much research as you can on even the tiniest bit of information you’ve heard or read about before you proceed; because, sometimes, it is the little things that set you back the easiest.

Trainer.ae: contact us today and let us provide you with a personal trainer who can help create a personalized plan just for you, which you can do at home or in your office.


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