As people, we often get so caught up in our daily activities that we forget how important our health is, as well as our physical and mental fitness. However, when we do realize it, we spend more time planning and procrastinating about it than actually doing something about it. Well, it’s time to really do something about it!
- HAVE GOALS. Rome wasn’t built in a day! As much as you shouldn’t spend all the time you could be getting healthy, planning to be healthy, you need a plan! Set a target for yourself and strive to met that target.
- TAKE WALKS.Don’t underestimate the little walks you take everyday. I mean, aside from the fact that you get a large amount of vitamin D every time you hit the road under the amazing sun. It gets your heart pumping and your spirits lifted! And it is good for your physical fitness. Reduce the amount of times you travel by car and just enjoy that walk!
- READ AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Reading is very therapeutic for the mind, in that it reduces stress. The more you read, the more strength your brain muscles get and the more knowledge you gain. Reading regularly and widely will improve your knowledge of the world around you. And it’s free entertainment!
- EAT A LOT VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Fruits and vegetables are very rich in vitamins and minerals, and they are low in calories. And aren’t they just delicious? They are very good in reducing your blood pressure and preventing other chronic diseases. The fun part is, they add colour to your food.
- EAT REGULARLY. Cutting meals is not a good thing to do when trying to stay healthy. But so is over-eating. Eat every meal at the right time, and a healthy portion of it at that. No matter how busy you are, you owe it to yourself to eat regularly.
- STOP MINDLESS MUNCHING. Do you always find yourself munching on some snack or the other all the time without even realising it? You have to stop. Nothing is more unhealthy than constant mindless munching. Every time you find yourself craving for that bit of snackm stop yourself! Find something else to occupy yourself with other than sticking your fingers in that jar of cookies.
- MAKE A FOOD JOURNAL. A food journal is like that fitness coach, encouraging and boosting you throughout your journey to a healthier life. Seeing all those entries you everyday can encourage you in ways that you can’t even imagine. It helps you with your diet plan and it also helps you pinpoint what foods are good for you and what your system doesn’t agree with.
- DRINK LOTS OF WATER EVERYDAY. Our body is mostly made up of water. Aside from the fact that you need water to transport nutrients all over our body and to digest the food we take in. It is also a very essential factor in weight loss. And it keeps other organs in our bodies going, like the kidney. So drink as much water as you can, you need it!
- RUN FOR ATLEAST TEN MINUTES EVERDAY. Running everyday can increase your life span by five years! Because it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and high blood pressure. You’ll sleep better because it reduces your anxiety and depression levels. And it improves your brain performance.
SLEEP EARLY. Sleeping early means more hours to sleep, which in turn means feeling more relaxed and being in a better mood. It boosts your creativity as your mind is very alert after a night of sufficient sleep. And it prevents certain illnesses like constant headache.
Contact get in touch with a personal trainer who can help create a plan just for you.
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