Monthly Archives: April 2016

6 Unhealthy Things You’re Adding To Your Salad

Inasmuch as salads are one of the healthiest foods we have around, they can be actually turned from healthy to something completely differen [...]

4 Best Callanetics Exercises

The callanetics exercises are low-impact exercises that are characterized by frequent repetitions of small muscular movements and squeezes, [...]

4 Eye Exercises For Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the optic nerves and reduce vision and sometimes, it erases the vision completely. There are two [...]

4 Lunch Breaks Workout You Can Do

In our world today, we cannot dispute the fact that a number of us have the whole of our 24hours fixed, and we hardly do have spare time for [...]

3 Eye Exercises For Astigmatism

Astigmatism is an optical defect that is caused by an irregular shaped cornea or lens or inherited, and it is characterized by blurred visio [...]

4 Exercises For A Forward Neck Posture

Having a good posture shouldn’t only be focused on the whole body, leaving the head and neck apart. A good posture in an individual, is vi [...]

4 Ways Junk Food Causes Weight Gain

The food we eat affects our whole being one way or another. Knowing this, it is therefore wise in selecting the type of food you eat. Unfort [...]

4 Ways To Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (A reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater) also known a [...]

5 Ways to Maintain A Healthy Body

The laws of good health are so simple that children can easily learn and understand them, but practicing them might prove a bit difficult. I [...]

4 Exercises That Will Give You More Muscular Arm

Arms are traditionally one of the first parts of the body people try to build up when getting in shape, as they are right out front for ever [...]
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