Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Top 3 Hamstring Exercises

The hamstring training is often neglected when talking about leg strength and developing size, which leaves many at risk of developing imbal [...]

4 Best Exercises To Treat Diastasis Recti

Diastasis rectus is a condition characterized by a gap of 2.7cm greater between the two sides of the rectus abdominal muscle, also known as [...]

4 Exercise Techniques to Improve Your Calf Muscles

Do you want admirable-looking calves? Well this article is definitely for you. Having a great calf requires effective exercises for strength [...]

6 Ways Men Can Keep Their Skin Healthy

Who says taking care of the skin is only for women? Men also meant to take care of their skin, no matter what kind of job they do. Keep a he [...]

How Excess Carbohydrate Consumption Leads to Diabetes

The majority have asked the question ”Is it true that eating too many carbohydrates can cause diabetes?”. First of all, let̵ [...]

10 Reason To Love Lemons More

Lemon is a pale yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, acidic juice. Lemon also is the evergreen citrus tree which produces [...]

Health Benefits of Mango

There are many different kinds of mangoes that range in color, shape, and flavor plus seed size. While the skin color of mangoes can vary fr [...]

4 Improved Ways to Get Abs Muscles

Abdominal muscles are large muscles that give support in regular breathing and support the muscles of the spine. It will always take time an [...]

4 Major Steps To Prevent Stomach Cancer

Basically, the term ‘cancer’ has different definitions but in a field of study under science known as ‘Biology’,  cancer is defined [...]

5 Fun Ways to Lose Weight Without Trying

The weight loss journey is mostly a trying journey; despite the pain and sacrifices, many a times the results come slowly. This is probably [...]
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