Monthly Archives: February 2016

4 Foods That Literally Turn To Belly Fat

The same way cocaine and other hard substances go straight to your brain, that’s the same way some foods go straight to your belly and get [...]

5 Common Challenges Faced By People With Obesity

Obesity is the condition of having a body weight that is greater than what is considered normal for a healthy living. This occurs when there [...]

3 Ways To Make Your Own Energy Bar

The honest truth is that most store-sold energy bars are basically junk food. They’re packed with a lot of excess sugar and other artifici [...]

5 Reasons To Take Fitness Seriously

Fitness is not solely meant for certain stereotyped groups of people–by age or sex. General healthy habits are beneficial and advisabl [...]

Top 5 Foods That Naturally Enhance Athletic Performance

The energy we get from food helps our body immensely to reduce inflammation, fight diseases and sustain physical and mental development. The [...]

5 Healthy Homemade Protein Bar Recipes

Inasmuch as you might enjoy those store-bought protein bars, the truth is that they’re certainly not cheap, neither are they all healthy f [...]

3 Drinks That Will make You Feel Sleepy

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of health and has been called the ‘third pillar’ of health (after exercise and good food), by [...]

For Athletes: 4 Ways To Improve Sprint Speed

In sports, your sprint speed is probably the most measurable way to demonstrate your potential as an athlete. Every professional athlete kno [...]
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