Category Archives: Uncategorised

What your Joints and Body Movements say about you

Do you struggle to touch your toes when you bend down? Or can you simply lift one leg up high like a gymnast? Physiotherapist Sammy Margo, [...]

4 common food that are unhealthy for your brain

Is what am eating harming my Brain? This is probably a question that has never crossed your mind yet it is really improtant. The brain is o [...]

6 Amazing Benefits Of Chest Press Exercise

The chest press exercise helps to give you that strong upper body you have always desired. Interestingly, it doesn’t just work on the ches [...]

7 Junk Foods to Avoid in Order to Lose Weight

Most people like to “take it easy” sometimes and go out to eat instead of slaving over the stove for a proper meal. A lot of p [...]

3 Best Foods To Gain Lean Muscle Fast

Many of us want to have that beach-ready body, which is why we strive to gain muscle. Lean muscles can be gained by consistent exercising, a [...]

5 Non Weight Bearing Exercises For A Healthy You

Regardless of any physical/health condition, exercise is very important for every living being. Non weight bearing (NWB) exercises doesn’t [...]

How To Lose Hip Fat

One of the hardest place to lose fat is the hip and, alongside the thigh, it also happens to be the most common site for fat storage, espec [...]

4 Ways To Build Ankle Strength

Ankle sprains are a common condition that most active people experience once in a while. Unfortunately, it can be sometimes difficult to dea [...]

6 Easy Ways To Stay Fit When Pregnant

Some expectant women often wonder what to do to remain fit while in pregnancy. While some see it as being near-impossible, some others find [...]

6 Foods To Avoid For Weight Loss

Weight loss basically occurs by shedding off accumulated fats, fluids, and other things that might have caused excessive weight gain. There [...]
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