Category Archives: exercise

4 Best Callanetics Exercises

The callanetics exercises are low-impact exercises that are characterized by frequent repetitions of small muscular movements and squeezes, [...]

4 Exercises For A Forward Neck Posture

Having a good posture shouldn’t only be focused on the whole body, leaving the head and neck apart. A good posture in an individual, is vi [...]

4 Ways To Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (A reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater) also known a [...]

4 Exercises That Will Give You More Muscular Arm

Arms are traditionally one of the first parts of the body people try to build up when getting in shape, as they are right out front for ever [...]

4 Best Cardio Exercises for Bad Knees

Cardio exercises are important in any fitness regimen. They help effectively, to pump oxygen, which aids in proper blood circulation and pro [...]

6 Reasons Why Running is Good For Your Health

Running is a universal sporting activity that lots of people all over the world do on a regular basis. Why run? Running offers many physica [...]

8 Benefits of Skipping Ropes

Are you one of those people who still think that skipping ropes is a rather weird and unimportant exercise? Well, this article will change t [...]

4 Effective Torso Workouts You Can Do At Home

The torso is the human body, without the head, arms, and legs. It is also referred to as the trunk of the body. Many of us, in our workout r [...]

4 Benefits of Cycling In Winter

You may wonder how you are expected to survive to do exercise during winter. It’s not easy to train in the winter, leaving the comfort [...]

5 Essential Ways To Keep Your Body Toned

Packing fat on your body is definitely unpleasant and is becoming more of a recurring issue today. Even if you’re not obese, you most prob [...]
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