Category Archives: exercise

4 Exercises That Will Help Relieve Sciatica Pain

You might think of sciatica as ordinary pain until you experience it. It doesn’t just stop at the back, it radiates to the butt and legs a [...]

4 Easy Tips To Try If You’re Finding Weight Loss Difficult

Obesity is a common condition in the world today, and virtually everyone with this condition aspires towards becoming fit. Many of them find [...]

6 Easy Ways To Stay Fit When Pregnant

Some expectant women often wonder what to do to remain fit while in pregnancy. While some see it as being near-impossible, some others find [...]

5 Ways To get Ripped Abs

Having a nice, ripped six-pack is fast becoming a necessity, for both men and women. It is not just aesthetically pleasing but it also offer [...]

6 Ways To Become A Faster And Better Sprinter

If you’ve watched Usain Bolt, the world famous sprint runner, and two-time Olympic world champion, you could testify to the excitement and [...]

5 Exercises For Everyone

It’s understandable to be in a pickle on what exercises to do for fitness. Most people resort to going to the gym and doing as they see, a [...]

5 Reasons To Take Fitness Seriously

Fitness is not solely meant for certain stereotyped groups of people–by age or sex. General healthy habits are beneficial and advisabl [...]

For Athletes: 4 Ways To Improve Sprint Speed

In sports, your sprint speed is probably the most measurable way to demonstrate your potential as an athlete. Every professional athlete kno [...]

3 Weight Loss Myths You Must Know About

Let’s face it, the number one major reason why people begin to work out or go on a diet is to lose weight. Of course there are other reaso [...]

6 Principles Of Weight Loss

Going on a weight loss quest can be so tiring and frustrating because of the tons of conflicting information about weight loss out there. Pe [...]
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