Category Archives: exercise

Basic Healthy Measures To Protect The Heart Against Diseases

1. Maintain blood cholesterol levels within acceptable limits: Cholesterol, the primary constituents in arterial plaque, has two main compon [...]


There are literally hundreds of different weight loss programs, fad diets, and harmful treatments (such as surgery). Too many people spend t [...]

5 exercises that help to reduce stress.

Stress is often difficult to define because it is a very subjective problem, exercise on the other hand, reduces the stress hormone and stim [...]

8 ways to control high blood pressure.

The normal blood pressure for a normal individual is meant to be 120/80, anything above can lead to high blood pressure. There are different [...]

5 ways to build your tush muscles.

If you feel like you need a makeover at your backside, you can make that happen but partly on your body type and genes. But almost everyone [...]


Arm fat refers to the fat present in the arms of the human body or the bottom of the shoulder and below. Normally it is found within the obe [...]

5 Simple Exercises to lose Belly Fats

Belly fats come with a lot of challenges; physical, emotional, and health-wise. You will hardly feel comfortable in your own skin, with this [...]

How to Do Concentration Curls

Concentration curls is a variation of exercise that targets the long (lateral) head of the biceps brachii to a greater degree than the short [...]

How to Do Concentration Curls

Concentration curls is a variation of exercise that targets the long (lateral) head of the biceps brachii to a greater degree than the short [...]

5 Exercises to Lift Breasts Naturally

Are your breasts saggy? So much that you feel bad when you are with other female friends and they show off their portable breasts? Or you ke [...]
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