Author Archives: Valentine Oliver

3 Stretches That Can Instantly Increase Your Speed

When it comes to speed training, most athletes have the mindset that all they need to do is run, run and run some more in order to improve t [...]

4 Superfoods to Lower Lung Cancer Risk

Many people have the notion that lung cancer is only a smoker’s disease and so they don’t think it’s worth taking the time to check ou [...]

4 Tips to Help You Stretch Smarter

Let’s face it! Stretching is always one of the last things on our priority list. This is mainly because we don’t see or know the benefit [...]

3 Food Myths to Stop Believing

As the world keeps becoming more and more health-conscious, so much diet and nutrition information keep arising. But there are still so many [...]

4 Clean Eating Mistakes That You’re Probably Making

Clean eating is simply about eating more of the best and healthiest options in each of the food groups and eating less of the unhealthy ones [...]

5 Reasons You Need to Drink More Water

Water is very important for your health. You’ve mostly likely heard the common reasons why you must always stay hydrated such as, water he [...]

5 Reasons You’re Getting Tired During A Workout

When you realize that you now lose energy halfway through your workouts, then there are probably some issues that need your immediate attent [...]

6 Signs You’re Working Out Too Much

We all know that the two pillars to losing weight is dieting and exercise. It’s normal to think that the harder we train or the higher the [...]

4 Tips For Losing 10 kg Within A Week

It is true that the weight loss process can take a while and all whatnot. But it’s also possible to lose weight really fast. There have be [...]
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