Author Archives: Simeone Abi

Seven Health Food Swaps For Weight Loss

Living a healthier life than you already are doesn’t have to be difficult; the changes sometimes can be somewhat easy. Most times people m [...]

5 Steps to Toning Your Stomach

Flat toned abs are inarguably the most common goal for every exerciser today, but most exercisers do not know that it is much more complicat [...]

5 Best Abs Programs You’ve Never Tried

Pretty sure by now you have seen enough abs workouts that you can actually write one on your own, but you still do not feel comfortable with [...]

Why boxing is the best sport for fitness and weight loss

Boxing is inarguably one of the best and most diverting sports; it is not just intended to punch rivals; it is likewise used to create yours [...]

Do’s and Dont’s of Proper Weight Training Technique

Do you often wonder why your weight training never improves? Many people tend to go about weight training the wrong way. Its always advisabl [...]

Quick and simple workouts for everyday living

Your busy schedule never allows you to go to the gym and build a better body; worry less, you can wake up in the morning and do just 15 minu [...]

Ways to get yourself motivated in the morning

Waking yourself up in the morning can be very hard sometimes; every time as a matter of fact. It may sound very impossible for you to wake u [...]

Why Sleep is Important for Weight Loss

Sleep is the back bone of every exercise, no matter the exercise, whether weight loss or muscle building, sleep is essential. We know you ha [...]

4 Exercises People do Wrong and how to do Them Right

Strength training is an important component of any exercises, whether you’re training to develop muscles or to lose weight. Consider addin [...]
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