Author Archives: Sally Njie

4 Therapeutic Yoga Postures To Ease Headaches And Migraines

Almost everyone experiences a headache from time to time. This medical condition is quite common and can be felt as a dull, throbbing ache o [...]

7 Yoga Exercises To Boost Your Digestive System

Digestive issues are common with a lot people these days. A lot of factors lead to a poor digestive system but the most common factor is unh [...]

Effective Workouts For Strengthening Your Core Muscles

Your core muscles comprise of your abs, pelvic floor, hamstrings, diaphragm etc, basically all the muscles located in your torso. These musc [...]

Components Of A Good Running Technique

Running is a very popular and common form of exercise. Regular runners (who actually do it right) have improved flexibility, endurance, bett [...]

Top 5 Workouts To Increase Muscle Endurance

Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert tension or force against resistance for an prolonged period of ti [...]

5 benefits of running for weight-loss

Running is a very popular form of exercising. It’s a great way to relieve stress, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, burn [...]

Six Basic Rules You Need to Know Before You Start Any Fitness Program- For Beginners

Overview Fitness is important. For a good quality of life, reduced risk of tons of health problems, stable weight, extended lifespan and an [...]

Top Six Reasons You Need To Stay Hydrated During Your Workout Sessions.

Water is called the ‘building blocks of life’ for a reason. Haven’t you noticed how everything comes to life after the first few drops [...]

The Ultimate Guide To Losing Weight In Dubai.

Earlier this year, Dubai was ranked the 22nd most obese nation out of 191 nations around the world by the world health organization. And it [...]
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