Author Archives: Joshua Smith

Three benefits of nuts to your health

There are very many different nuts including; almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, peanuts, groundnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, [...]

Four dangers of extreme exercise to your health

Exercise is a series of physical actions in order to fine tune the body and although it is generally regarded as a good and healthful thing, [...]

Three harmful effects of Stress on our health

Stress is part of our everyday lives. It is as a result of our minds and our bodies being overworked; our minds and bodies usually reacts to [...]

Three reasons why alcohol is not good for you

Alcohol abuse is a major problem around the world today, responsible for millions of deaths, directly and indirectly, and many more injuries [...]

Four benefits of having sex to your health

Sex is the mating ritual between a man and a woman and is usually a very enjoyable activity, causing incredible sensations of joy and pleas [...]

Six Benefits of Exercise to your Health

Exercise is a series of physical actions done in order to fine tune the body. This is generally regarded as a good and healthy thing. The go [...]

Four dangers of lack of sleep on your health

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of health and has been termed by some as the ‘third pillar’ of health (after exercise [...]

Three reasons why afternoon naps are good for you

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of health and it has incredible benefits to your body if done properly. As the name suggests, aft [...]

5 Healthy snacks You can have during the day

We all love a good snack, something tasty to please the tongue, small enough to eat fast and just large enough to fill our bellies; but not [...]
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