Author Archives: Ida S.

6 Tips for a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is one that provides the body with all the necessary and essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and calories that it needs [...]

7 Reason Why You Should Exercise Outside

Working out in a gym has it’s advantages but heading outside for a run or taking your bicycle out for a spin has its own unique advant [...]

The Top 5 Upper Body Exercises For Women

The muscles in the upper body are very important and play a number of  roles in the body, from generating and transmitting power, to stabil [...]

5 Ways Stress Can Ruin Your Life

It is estimated that about 75 to 90 percent of visits to physicians are for complaints that are, in some way, related to stress. Stress can [...]


Meditation is a practice that has been around since the 4th century. Some people look at meditation as a form of prayer to buddha. Well, itâ [...]

6 Tips for a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is one that provides the body with all the necessary and essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins etc. The idea [...]

Causes of Leg Cramps During Exercise and How to Prevent it

Muscle cramps are the most annoying things out there when they show up whilst you are trying to workout. They mostly show up right in the mi [...]

Thanksgiving workout tips

It is really hard to keep your weight in check with holidays like thanksgiving where there is a lot of food, a lot of fatty food for that ma [...]

How to Get Bulky( For Skinny Guys)

Being skinny is no one’s fault, but if you don’t want to be skinny anymore or if you want to be like hulk, they is a way to go a [...]
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